Jericho Friends on Facebook
The Jericho USFW is a mission and social concerns focused group. Current projects. Local Food Pantries, Cook Book Sales, Mini Bazaar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2008 Cookbook, our new 2008 cookbook is now available. You can order a 3 ring binder for $15 plus $4.50 shipping or a cd $10 plus $3 shipping.
Please make checks or money orders payable to: Jericho USFW. Send to: Attention: USFW, Jericho Friends Meeting, 4010E-100S, Winchester, IN 47394. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Food Pantry Basics List of Needs Collection every 3rd Sunday at Jericho infant
formula, diapers, baby food, toilet
paper, shampoo, tooth brushes, tooth paste, bath soap, hand soap, dish soap,
paper toweling, laundry soap, vegetable
oil, flour, sugar, j-ello, pudding, instant milk (canned or dry), muffin mixes,
cake mixes, cornbread mixes, biscuit mix, peanut
butter, jam, jelly, fruit
juices (tomato, grapefruit, orange, apple, pineapple, cran-apple, grape) canned
vegetables (green beans, soup beans, chili beans, kidney beans, black beans,
pork and beans, corn, carrots, peas, tomatoes, tomato sauce, potatoes, mixed,
butter beans, chick peas, greens, black-eyed peas, asparagus, beets, zucchini
with tomato, salsa, hominy, sauer kraut, shellie beans) canned
fruits (peaches, pears, applesauce, apricots, plums, fruit cocktail, pineapple,
cranberry sauce with fruit, oranges, grapefruit, pumpkin pie mix) soups,
broths, velveeta, pastas and macaroni, spaghetti sauce, rice, dried beans,
popcorn, canned
meats (chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, mackerel, ham, sausages) summer sausage, crackers, breads, buns, cereals, oatmeal, noodles, instant potatoes, romaine noodles, tuna and hamburger helper, mac-n-cheese, chicken dinner box, chow mien meals, grits, cream of wheat, garden
seeds perishable items should be delivered to the food pantries directly and not dropped off at the meeting house (hot dogs, fresh fruit and vegetables and such)