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Jericho Friends Meeting of Winchester, IN Worship Services for 2008 Home Page Other Worship Services
12th month, 7th day of 2008, Joy!, John 16:16-33 11th month, 23rd day of 2008, Praises by the People. 11th month, 16th day of 2008, Victory, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 {63 minutes} 11th month, 9th day of 2008, If, 1 Corinthians 15:1-34 {75 minutes} attendance 75 11th month, 2nd day of 2008, The Vertical Effect, Psalm 139 {75 minutes} 10th month, 26th day of 2008, Be My Rock!, Psalm 71 {72 minutes} attendance 77 10th month, 19th day of 2008, What Really Matters, Acts 9:20-31 {62 minutes} attendance 78 10th monthm 12th day of 2008, Winchester Quarterly Meeting {75 minutes} 10th month, 12th day of 2008, No Back Talk, Jeremiah 18:1-10, Romans 9:19-33 {75 minutes} attendance 81 10th month, 5th day of 2008, Commitment Precedes Provision, Hewbrews 11:36-40, John11:35-44 {70 minutes} attendance 73 9th month, 21st day of 2008, Who's Speaking? Who's Listening?, John 17 {65 minutes} 9th month, 14th day of 2008, When Thought Starts in Heaven, Matthew 6:9-13 {60 minutes} Attendance 74. 9th month, 7th day of 2008, Not Saying, But Praying, Matthew 6:9-13 {70 minutes} Attendance 90. 8th month, 31st day of 2008, Identified as Content, Exodus 20:16-17 {82 minutes} Attendance 64. 8th month, 24th day of 2008, Purity in Thought and Action, Exodus 20:14-15 {74 minutes} Attendance 73 8th month, 17th day of 2008,Relationships: Good, Bad, Indifferent, Exodus 20:12 {66 minutes} Attendance 55 8th month, 10th day of 2008, What's Different about Sunday?, Exodus 20:8-11 {64 minutes} 8th month, 3rd day of 2008, Get Serious About God's Name, Exodus 20:7 {70 minutes} Attendance 101 7th month, 27th day of 2008, The Doing of the Don'ts, Exodus 20:4-6, {66 minutes} Attendance 74 7th month, 20th day of 2008, China through the Eyes of Elisa Groth, {73 minutes} Attendance 61 (video now available) 7th month, 13th day of 2008, The Purpose of Priorities, Exodus 20:3, {72 minutes} Attendance 68 7th month, 6th day of 2008,The Benefit of Being Recycled, Isaiah 63:7-19 {70 minutes} 6th month, 29th day of 2008, Are You Recycled? part 1, {62 minutes} Attendance 71 6th month, 22nd day of 2008,Sweet Surprises, Genesis 12:1, Hebrews 11:8-12 {70 minutes} 6th month, 15th day of 2008, Remember the Future, 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 & Philippians 2:12-13 {66 minutes} Attendance 69 6th month, 8th day of 2008, Building: Bridges or Walls, 1 Samuel Chapters 10 - 17, various verses {63 minutes} Attendance 78. 6th month, 1st day of 2008, True Freedom, {70 minutes} Attendance 74. 5th month, 25th day of 2008, Freedom From Myself, Phillipians 2:5-11, {69 minutes} Senior Banquet 2008 What a night, lots of fun! Opening comments, Wayne Hedden Message, Round Robin Idle Style (video you must see!), banquet slide show, closing. If you pause your windows media player and allow for buffering to high %, you will be able to watch with less stopping during these movies. 5th month, 18th day of 2008, Who's Your Manager, 1 & 2 Samuel, {67 minutes} Attendance 72 5th month, 11th day of 2008, Characters of 3 Marys, Jeff Edwards special speaker in honor of his mom, Dixie Edwards. 90 in attendance. 5th month, 4th day of 2008, Remember!, Jude 1:5, Matthew 16:9 & 27:62-63, Luke 1:72-75 & 17:31-33 & 24:6-8 {73 minutes} (link is now fixed) 4th month, 27th day of 2008, The Ascension! Never Before and Never Again, Luke 24:36-52 and Acts 1:1-11 {65 minutes} 60 in attendance. 4th month, 20th day of 2008, Broaden Your Base, John 20:26-31 and John 21:1-25 {70 minutes} 85 in attendance. 4th month, 13th day of 2008, '"I told you so," Jesus', Matthew 28:9-10, Luke 24:13-35, John 20:19-23. {61 minutes} 68 in attendance. 4th month, 13th day of 2008, Winchester Quarterly Meeting Audio and Video. Dave Miner www.bread.org www.breadindiana.org 10th month, 14th day of 2007, Winchester Quaterly Meeting Video. History of Winchester Quarterly Meeting by Greg Hinshaw. 4th month, 5th day of 2008, Recognize a Good Deal, with Special Gideon Speaker Larry Snyder, Matthew 27:51-53, Matthew 28:9-10, Mark 16:9-11. {72 minutes} Attendance 78. 3rd month, 30th day of 2008, 2008 Prayer Meeting Hour 3rd month, 30th day of 2008, The Benefit of a Torn Curtain, Matthew 27:51-53 and Hebrews 9:1-15 10:19-25. {67 minutes} Attendance 69. 3rd month, 23rd day of 2008, Can We Believe?, John 20 {70 minutes} Attendance 103. 3rd month, 21st day of 2008, Community Good Friday Services, at Winchester Methodist Church. {46 minutes} 3rd month, 16th day of 2008, It's All About Him ... the LAMB, Luke 22:41-46, Matthew 27:26-31, Luke 23:32-46 Attendance 83. 3rd month, 9th day of 2008, Just Like Jesus, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Revelations 21:16, Matthew 16:23, Acts 2:23, I John 4:19, John 3:16, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 20:19 {70 minutes} Attendance 51. 3rd month, 2nd day of 2008, In the Grip of Grace, Romans 5:8, 2 Timothy 2:19, Matthew 25:46, 1 John 4:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 5:3-5, Matthew 5:6-8, {65 minutes} Attendance 74. 2nd month, 24th day of 2008, Our Responsibility to Him, Matthew 5:13-16 {73 minutes} 2nd month, 17th day of 2008, Because of Me, Matthew 5:10-12 {67 minutes} Attendance 78. 2nd month, 10th day of 2008, Unity Is A Requirement, Not An Option, Matthew 5:7-9 {66 minutes} Attendance 78. 2nd month, 3rd day of 2008, Matthew 5:4-6 {72 minutes} 1st month, 27th day of 2008, Who Are You?, Matthew 5:3 {63 minutes} 1st month, 20th day of 2008, The Birth of the Church, part 2, Genesis 24 {66 minutes} Attendance 69. 1st month, 13th day of 2008, Seeds of Hope, special speaker ~ Tammy Meyers {72 minutes} Attendance 85. 1st month, 6th day, 2008, The Birth of the Church, part 1, Genesis 24. {70 minutes} |